
My name is Nicole, and I currently work in the accounts receivables department for a security company.  (I graduated with a degree in English and still have dreams of writing for a career someday).  Then again, that’s what I do… not who I am.  I’m absolutely in love with life and trying to enjoy every single moment – from the little moments that are so easily missed to the huge moments, which will be remembered for a life-time (like marrying the man of my dreams).

I don’t want to look back and wish I had done more… or realize that I wished my life away.  My goal is to live for the moment and to make the most out of every day.

Most of my blog posts are about life as a young, married woman.  I love writing about relationships, because I find that most of us go through similiar ups and downs.  Many of you younger couples will probably relate; you more experienced couples will undoubtedly shake your heads and remember how you used to worry about the same, silly things.  But for sure, I’ll always be doing my best to find the humor in each experience.  And when I can’t, I’ll be searching for the lesson.

Some other blog topics…

Fitness Fridays:  Now that my husband and I have moved back to the country, I’m excited about jogging through the quiet streets and just enjoying a more active lifestyle.  Because life is so busy, getting back into shape is always an adventure in itself.  But it’s a challenge that’s worth it, and I can’t wait to bring on the healthier foods and new work-out routines.

Souper Saturdays:  I LOVE how comforting soups are after a busy day… especially during the cold autumn and winter months.  So I’m on a mission to find the best soup recipes out there… and to make them, one by one.

Simple Sundays:  Reflections.  Thoughts.

Mission: Martha  —  Being creative doesn’t come naturally to me (unless you’re asking me to write), so I’m going to work at it this next year.  Although I’ll never come close to Martha Stewart, I’d like to be able to handle a sewing machine, decorate a room with complimenting colors, and dip perfect heart-shaped cookies in chocolate.  This is my mission: to stretch myself and find my creative side.  It has to be hiding somewhere.

Pancake of the Month — Because life is too short to not experience all the different pancake possibilities out there. 🙂

Cupcake Love — My sister and I are on a mission to learn how to decorate cupcakes.  Celebrate — and laugh — along with us.

Nikki’s Picks — Some of my favorite movies, books, beauty products, and foods.

And as always, I’ll be writing about my journey to enjoy the simple things of life!

20 Responses to About

  1. hdearborn says:

    You are brave to take on Mission: Martha! I didn’t even bother with that one on my “re-invent yourself at 30” list! As far as healthy recipes go, I’m the master of finding healthy recipes. If you ever are looking for a specific recipe, only lighter, let me know… I’m sure I’ve tried it. If you don’t already have a subscription to Cooking Light, I highly recommend it! Also, my brother is a vegan, so I’m sure he’s got some crazy healthy foods to recommend if you are also brave enough for that! His current favorite: seitan (I think that’s how you spell it).

    By the way, I LOVE the idea of your blog… it hits home for me!

  2. Lisa Jacobs says:

    You’re the latest member on my blogroll 😉 Looking forward to reading you and can’t wait to try tomato-soup cake!!!

  3. Jos says:

    Hi Nicole,

    I just found your blog and added to my reader list. Looking forward to read more about you 😀

  4. I love it , love it, love it! Can’t wait to start reading!

  5. BirdieBee says:

    First, congrats on the Freshly Pressed today!

    Second, I’ve only read one post so far, and I’m already hooked. I feel like we’re kindred spirits.

    Thanks for the reminders about enjoying the simple moments! It is the best part of life!

  6. olga0207 says:

    Looking forward to reading your posts! I like your writing style and sense of humour. 🙂

  7. I love your blog =) Pancakes are awesome and so are long quiet jogs in the country. 🙂

  8. Just wanted to let you know that I gave you a Versatile Blogger Award! Love your posts 🙂 Stop by to pick up your award!

    Random Ramblings? Nay, Versatility!! An Award

  9. What a wonderful approach to life! So many people don’t appreciate the simple things and “tiny” but special moments enough, but I believe that’s where you find happiness every day. 🙂

  10. Jess says:

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!! I’m looking forward to reading more of yours 🙂

  11. Amazing blog………. such a wonderful name 🙂

  12. Nicole, I love your blog! Glad you stumbled upon mine! I was wanting to email you so we could chat further (we have alot in common from reading your blog)….Thanks for the comments on my blog! It means someone is reading it! Hope you’re doing well! Love the name of your blog…helps remind me to slow down and to just take things as they are…something I’m learning ALOT about as I’m getting older (i’m going to be 32 in Jan…eek!)


  13. crissy says:

    hi! i like your blog.

  14. crissy says:

    i admire people who have a zest for life.

  15. I love your blog! It’s similar to mine in that I started mine after moving in with my boyfriend and trying to figure out how to be a domestic diva. My mission in blogging has also been to be more creative. Totally, Mission Martha! I’d like to be more creative when it comes to not only cooking, but decorating, and just being craftier in general. My day job is mostly financial, so having the space to be more creative is a must for me! Looking forward to reading more 🙂

  16. Hey Nicole! 😀
    Thanks so much for reading & commenting on my blog and the so offered opprtunity to discover yours! 😉 I immediately loved it for its name already,so excited to read more!

  17. I love your about me! You have some awesome ideas for your blog, love it. Can’t wait to read more 😀

  18. I LOVE your Flirty with Thirty list (as I am also coming close to that age, myself). You have such a cute blog! I look forward to reading all your adventures in 2012! 🙂

  19. Ann says:

    Cool blog!

    I like-y much. Still running around to see how much I can read before my next engagement 🙂 Reading and Running are two things I like to do … not necessarily at the same time though. lol

    @ Pastor J – thanks for the intro. I am really having a ball.


  20. Hi Nicole, I found your blog via Dotty Lizzy at frommyfrontstep 🙂 I love your blog and look forward to keeping up to date with it. I too am newly married (although a wee bit older… not so much flirty with thirty but properly immersed in it!) so I can’t wait to read your stories of married life and see if they match!!!

    God bless xx

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